How adaptive are you?
Adaptability is a critical aspect of a successful life. It’s about being able to adapt and change quickly in response to changing circumstances. Adaptability helps you to be more successful at work and in your personal life. Adaptive people are able to adjust their behavior depending on the situation they’re faced with and their ability […]
Relationship management and diversification of your network
The idea of building your Personal Brand is not a new concept. It is widely used by individuals with a high level of influence, like celebrities or politicians. However, “personal branding” has gained popularity as an effective means of marketing oneself in the business world. Read about how you can manage your relationship with others […]
Expect to fail to succeed
Building your Personal Brand is a rewarding challenge. It’s not easy to do, as it requires consistency, dedication, and good self-awareness. However, if you want to succeed in your career and reach the next level, then you will greatly benefit from a strong Personal Brand! Personal branding isn’t easy, and sometimes it can be at […]
Continuity of your Personal Brand
Developing a Personal Brand is important if you want to be successful in your career. Your brand is how other people perceive you and what they think of when they think of you. A strong Personal Brand can help with everything from getting a job to getting promoted and even finding clients. But what if […]
How to acquire professional skills as a fresh-graduate?
The world of work is changing rapidly. This makes it difficult for a fresh-graduate to understand the exact skill sets they need to acquire in order to land that dream job or internship. Below are some tips on how you can acquire these professional skills. Get a mentor A mentor is someone who is more […]