Personal Brand “offline”

Personal branding is creating a presence for yourself, using your brand to represent who you are and what you do in the workplace. It’s about establishing a reputation as a subject matter expert or leader within your field or industry. Your Personal Brand should be consistent across various platforms and networking groups. Personal branding aims […]

Relationship management and diversification of your network

The idea of building your Personal Brand is not a new concept. It is widely used by individuals with a high level of influence, like celebrities or politicians. However, “personal branding” has gained popularity as an effective means of marketing oneself in the business world. Read about how you can manage your relationship with others […]

Why mentor is good when developing your Personal Brand?

Having a mentor is the perfect way to accelerate your career and grow professionally. Mentors help you avoid common pitfalls and get ahead of your peers. This article will show why finding a mentor is crucial for your personal branding success. Who is mentor? A mentor is someone who has been there and done that […]