
Entering a professional environment can be tricky, and navigating your first impression isn’t easy. Your Personal Brand can work for you, but it can also work against you when it’s neglected.

What is your Personal Brand? Have you thought of what makes you unique? Did you know that understanding your Personal Brand can be the key to career success?

Here’s how. By diligently assessing your current stance with ACIOTA™ for fresh graduates, you will:

· Understand how to position your existing knowledge, skills, and interests to navigate your early career

· Uncover your authenticity and link it to your Personal Brand story

· Express your individuality and communicate it effectively with prospective employers

· Measure how quickly you can adapt to a new professional environment

· Learn to leverage social practices such as networking and community building

· Strengthen your credibility with a broader new audience

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Your 3-A's ACIOTA™ way

1 – Assess

No matter your industry or seniority, awareness is the starting point of any journey. Find out how you score on PersonalBrandIQ™ and move on to the next step.

2 – Acknowledge

Your ACIOTA™ report is ready to design and facilitate your robust action plan. Take time to craft your mission and action plan using the action sheet to define short/medium/long term actions.

3 – Act

Stay focused on your mission and goals, and keep track of your actions. Don’t deviate, but stay connected to your true motivations — your plans might need adjustments as you progress.

Frequently Asked

The ACIOTA™ assessment was developed by a group of respected scholars. It doesn’t just focus on digital and offline personal branding, however. ACIOTA™ brings a holistic perspective to the idea of a Personal Brand by including a range of characteristics and personality traits applicable across geographies.

If you graduated from the university less than two years ago and have some experience, such as internships or entry-level roles, we recommend opting for ACIOTA™ for Fresh-Graduates. If you already have some professional experience and have been working as a supervisor or a manager, we advise choosing ACIOTA™ for Professionals.

We do not offer a refund once the service is provided. However, we encourage you to look closely at the report and analyze it objectively — even if the initial results are surprising. If you would like a session with a career coach, please get in touch, and we will pair you with a professional.

Read the results carefully and ascertain where your strengths and development areas are. Make an action plan using the template (provided with your results) and follow the plan. If you would like further assistance with a career coach, we will be happy to pair you with a professional. Just leave us a message through the contact form, and we will be back to you with details.

We recommend conducting the second ACIOTA™ assessment no earlier than two years after the first. This is because two years is the appropriate timeframe for actions to take root and deliver results.

In addition, if you did ACIOTA™ for Fresh Graduates, consider moving to ACIOTA™ for Professionals two years after your previous assessment.

Yes, the mobile version is supported. However, we recommend using a bigger screen — a laptop or tablet — for a better experience.

Where you are today in terms of your career is not set in stone. You take charge, and your Personal Brand greatly influences how you do it. ACIOTA™ assesses your PersonalBrandIQ™ and, with its personalized recommendations, helps you take control of your Personal Brand.

The methodology behind both assessments is the same — and unique to ACIOTA™. However, there are vital differences in the assessment and analysis of your responses. Recommendations are tailored to the particular assessment and won’t work with the other. If you have a question about which ACIOTA™ option to choose, please contact us.

If you purchased the assessment but the link is not working, please get in touch via our contact form, and we will help you reinstate the assessment access.

The latest research shows that, although key Personal Brand characteristics stay the same for everyone, the weighted distribution varies significantly in relation to other vital aspects of career progression. That’s why we advise C-level executives not to conduct ACIOTA™ assessments — the results might be misleading.

We are fully GDPR compliant, and if you have any questions on this matter, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

The assessments can only be completed only in English, but we are working hard to introduce more language options.