Can you trademark a Personal Brand?
Absolutely! In today’s world, creating a strong personal brand has become increasingly important, whether you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur, or an individual looking to stand out in your industry. But have you considered trademarking your personal brand? Registering a trademark can provide you with legal protection for your brand name, logo, and other elements that make […]
When do you know that your Personal Brand really works?
Navigating the realm of Personal Branding can often feel like traversing an intricate labyrinth. The endeavor of distilling your unique combination of skills, experiences, and personal attributes into a compelling, consistent, and authentic image can be a complex journey. But when your Personal Brand starts to take hold and make an impact, the fruits of […]
Personal Brand for fresh graduates
It is important for fresh graduates to build their personal brand early in their careers. This will help them stand out from the crowd of other candidates, and it can help them secure job interviews faster. However, many people do not know how to develop their own personal brand. In this article, we will share […]
How to pick and target your first employer
Your first job is an important milestone in your career. It’s also one of the most challenging: you have to prove that you’re ready for a professional role but still need some training and experience. In this article, we’ll show you how to pick and target your first employer and ensure it’s right for you […]
How to manage your Personal Brand with a “portfolio career”?
A portfolio career is a deliberate approach to managing your career. It involves building a solid personal brand and strategically distributing yourself across multiple projects or jobs. You may be familiar with the concept of ‘portfolio investing,’ which involves diversifying your investments by spreading them across different asset classes or industries. Similarly, portfolio careers involve […]
Personal Brand for introverts
Introverts and extroverts are different in many ways, but their need for social interaction is the most significant difference. According to Susan Cain, author of Quiet, introverts can often feel like they have to be more extroverted and louder than they are to succeed in a world that prizes extroversion. If you’re an introvert, knowing […]
Personal Brand for professionals
The world has become a very small place. Technology has made it possible for us to connect with people from all over the world, regardless of where they are located. The ability to stay connected and market yourself in an effective manner has never been more important than it is today. A personal brand can […]
Effect of Personal Brand on employability and career
A personal brand is a way that you are perceived by others. It’s the image and reputation that you project to your coworkers, clients, and peers. It’s the way you want people to see you and think of you when they hear your name. A strong personal brand can make all the difference in how […]
Personal Brand “offline”
Personal branding is creating a presence for yourself, using your brand to represent who you are and what you do in the workplace. It’s about establishing a reputation as a subject matter expert or leader within your field or industry. Your Personal Brand should be consistent across various platforms and networking groups. Personal branding aims […]
Corporate VS Personal Brand
A brand is a set of perceptions in the marketplace. A brand is an intangible asset that must be consistently managed and reinforced through marketing efforts. People are buying you, not just your products or services. Brand is a set of perceptions in the marketplace Let’s take a trip back to childhood and remember when […]