Fake it till you make – or not-so-radical confidence


Confidence is an essential resource for adaptability in the ever-changing job market. It helps build a personal brand that stands out and is memorable. Confidence can be defined as the belief in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. When individuals possess confidence, they are more likely to embrace new challenges and take risks, which are essential […]

Manage unconstructive feedback givers and benefit from a genuine advice


Receiving feedback is an essential part of personal and professional growth. However, not all feedbacks are constructive. Sometimes, people may provide unconstructive feedback that can be hurtful and demotivating. It’s essential to learn how to manage such feedback givers and benefit from genuine advice. Recognize unconstructive feedback Unconstructive feedback is often characterized by a lack […]

Control, motivation, and self-discipline to build and maintain your Personal Brand


Personal branding is the practice of creating a unique image or reputation for oneself in the professional world. A strong personal brand can help individuals stand out in a crowded job market, build credibility, and establish themselves as experts in their field. However, building a strong personal brand requires more than just hard work and […]

Concern VS curiosity


Concern and curiosity are two sides of the same coin. They’re both important aspects of adaptability, but one is more powerful than the other. Here’s how they differ and why it matters in your professional environment. The concern is the ability to be future-focused It’s the act of thinking about what could happen and preparing […]

Emotional intelligence: show your emotions without showing off

In our professional lives, we are often faced with stressful situations, difficult people, and long hours. All of these can be exacerbated if you don’t know how to deal with your emotions. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to recognize and understand emotions as they occur. This skill is important in all aspects of life, […]

How adaptive are you?

how adaptive are you ACIOTA

Adaptability is a critical aspect of a successful life. It’s about being able to adapt and change quickly in response to changing circumstances. Adaptability helps you to be more successful at work and in your personal life. Adaptive people are able to adjust their behavior depending on the situation they’re faced with and their ability […]

Expect to fail to succeed

Building your Personal Brand is a rewarding challenge. It’s not easy to do, as it requires consistency, dedication, and good self-awareness. However, if you want to succeed in your career and reach the next level, then you will greatly benefit from a strong Personal Brand! Personal branding isn’t easy, and sometimes it can be at […]

Growth mindset of your Personal Brand

In his book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck introduced the concept of a growth mindset into popular culture. As the title suggests, Dweck argued that a person’s mindset could be either fixed or growth-oriented. A fixed mindset individual believes that their talents and abilities are largely unchangeable over […]