There’s no doubt that a changing world requires us to change with it. What should we bring with us on our journey towards change? Well, we should bring ourselves; to the world and to the people with whom we connect. The people you meet will develop an initial impression of who you are and what you stand for. For this reason, you need to learn how to shape this impression in a way that casts you in a positive light.

The recent march towards digitalization has led many people to believe that their online profile is all that matters. But this is profoundly misleading, as there is much more to you than just a good LinkedIn page. Your skills, talents, adaptability, personal strengths, curiosity, and so much more play an integral part in your own Personal Brand. That’s why we have partnered with international scholars to bring the latest trends and research together. As a result, we have developed an innovative platform that allows you to measure the strength of your Personal Brand through the holistic concept of PersonalBrandIQ™. With our help, you can develop a brand that delivers and helps you to build a strong, satisfying, and lasting career.

The inspiration for the name ACIOTA™ comes from the Latin word iota, which means spark — symbolic of your Personal Brand’s uniqueness. We strongly recommend ACIOTA™ for those looking to advance professionally and build rapport with others on their terms.

The ACIOTA™ assessment is career-oriented — an innovative way to measure your PersonalBrandIQ™ for career success in the corporate world.

Yale Law School Professor Daniel Markovits said in 2015:
“Your own talents, training, and skills—your self-same persons—today constitute your greatest assets, the overwhelmingly dominant source of your wealth and status. [...] Moreover, (and you’re the first generation in this position) you’ve had to do this—to act as asset managers whose portfolios contain yourselves—for your whole lives, certainly for as long as you can recall.”

Qualification and teaching methodology


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ACIOTA™ principles

Real science

The ACIOTA™ method is based on the latest research and provides comprehensive techniques for your professional success. 

People as Brands

Corporate or Personal Brand, your audience is your customers. Authenticity and credibility build the way your surrounding views you.

Digital is not everything

Human relationships are still the driving force behind career success. The way you manage connections and impressions is vital to your Brand.

5 Areas of Science for you


An encompassing scale that defines overall Personal Brand awareness and strength. As we all have underlying psychological constructs that influence our capacity to develop and communicate our Brand, not all of us do it consciously. And even if one doesn’t work on their Brand, it doesn’t mean they don’t have it. We all have a specific narrative, intrinsic or extrinsic, that we express verbally or non-verbally, consciously or unconsciously. Personal Brand isn’t grown in silos. It is a highly social practice based on communication, perception, and relatively. At the same time, Personal Brand is a predictor of self-awareness and is highly responsible for professional career and employability. Hence, PersonalBrandIQ™ successfully addresses individual capacity to develop one’s Personal Brand. It precisely defines how far one needs to go cultivating a vital and robust Brand that works.


Coming from the Greek word “authentikos,” which means original and genuine, authenticity represents our capacity to be ourselves. However, before we become ourselves, we need to recognize how well we know ourselves. The authenticity of a Personal Brand is, first of all, a self-examination to understand a realistic set of talents, passions, knowledge, and skills. Later, only after proper examination can we indeed be ourselves and express elements of our brand during interviews and while working. Personal Brand rests on authenticity through continuity, credibility, integrity, and symbolism. Hence, assessing authenticity as part of the overall Personal Brand examination is a vital and integral step.


In the context of one’s Personal Brand, career adaptability refers to the gained through experience self-regulation strategies that help navigate a professional career.
As adaptabilities emerge at the intersection of the individual and the environment, we possess the strengths to invest in our evolvement within a social setting. Adaptability is that particular measure of willingness to explore and commit to elements of one’s identity and career outcomes. Since these adaptability strategies are non-innate, they can be examined, reviewed, and, most importantly, learned. Building adaptability resource of confidence inevitably drives one to achieve their career goals and objectives and be satisfied with professional choices and performance.


Personal Brand is a set of characteristics rendered into a narrative to gain advantages in the minds of those evaluating our Brand message. We live within and manage daily roles to give a particular impression or narrative. This comes easily to ones who know their authentic selves and are willing to explore and navigate intricate social activities via impression management strategies. Through strategically applying self-presentation strategies, we create, maintain, adjust, and even guard an image others have of us. We do so via behavioral techniques, including verbal and non-verbal, as well as our online presence. Today, technology is the primary (although not the only one) vehicle through which a personal brand is represented and conveyed. Hence, self-presentation, as an all-embracing bracket, is critical to portraying one’s Personal Brand.

Human Capital

Throughout life, we collect experiences, connections, skills, and expertise. These make us unique and often define our following choices. A collective noun for most of what we acquire is human capital, which refers to psychological, cultural, and social capital. Social connections, professional qualifications, etc., are things that we refer to when differentiating ourselves while also obtaining industry and job-specific skills. Human capital can be earned, measured, built, and differentiated at the individual level. However, when assessing one’s Personal Brand, one must know where one’s stands today. This allows knowing where to invest in the future, as, through the strength of personal adaptivity, we acquire and invest in relevant human capital that supports us throughout our professional careers.

Ready To Achieve
Your Goals?

Find out everything career-relevant about your strengths and development areas and start improving your Personal Brand today.